Rachel Haynes is the Director and Lead consultant for Flamingo for NGOs. Since becoming an independent consultant in 2012, setting up the consultancy that was to become Flamingo, Rachel has worked with over 50 organisations on funding matters. Adopting feminist approaches in her work, she is active in civil society networks.
Rachel works alongside a network of associates - other experienced independent consultants. This enables Flamingo to bring together teams that add the right value to any assignment.
The hallmarks of Flamingo's approach are to listen and understand, and to keep a firm eye on future trends and scenarios. We are open and transparent in the way we work with clients.


Director and Lead Consultant
Rachel has been working in the not-for-profit sector since 1988, and in funding for international development for almost three decades. She brings this considerable experience and sector knowledge to her consultancy work, alongside a strong commitment to social justice. A firm believer in collaboration and solidarity, outside of consultancy, Rachel is active in Bond, the UK network for international development, and an active Trustee of SWIDN, the South West Network for International Development NGOs. She has two masters degrees in Development Management, and Gender and International Development.

Dermott is a Netherlands based International Development Fundraising Consultant offering funding, strategy, and senior management support services to INGOs for development and humanitarian work including project design, proposal development, donor research, due diligence, and grant / contract management. Dermott and Rachel have regularly worked together on training and research assignments.

Aasha has been a women’s rights activist and researcher since 1981, working in local and National level women’s organisations. Aasha also worked with INGOs and UN agencies. Aasha has been an independent consultant since 2010 and focussed primarily on women’s rights and on issues of social inclusion. Aasha has conducted research, assessments, reviews and conducted several evaluations. Rachel and Aasha worked collaboratively with ActionAid on the review of their Flexible Funding model for Women’s Rights Organisations.

Emma is a development practitioner and writer, specialising in strategic leadership, strategic communications, charity governance, capacity building and MEAL. She has a special interest in disability, health and education, coupled with an in-depth understanding from many years of living and working in East and Southern Africa. She is a skilled mentor, coach and facilitator, and I have really enjoyed working collaboratively with Emma over two decades.